Help make Edinburgh Napier a safer place to work and learn

Edinburgh Napier's Zero Tolerance campaign is designed to prevent sexual harassment, sexual violence and any other form of misconduct.

We want to make sure that all of our students can work and learn in a safe environment, and that’s exactly what our Zero Tolerance campaign aims to do.

You can help to make the university a safer place by signing up to free online training, educate yourself about consent, and if you’ve been subjected to any form of misconduct, please consider reporting it to us.

Find out what we’re doing to make Edinburgh Napier safer and how you can support the campaign.

 The Consent Collective

We have teamed up with The Consent Collective who specialise in talking about sexual harassment, sexual violence and domestic abuse. Together we will be working to help make the University a safer place by making sure that our students and staff know what is appropriate behaviour and what definitely isn’t.

All students and staff have been given free access to the member’s area of their website. There you can access videos that help you learn about how to get consent without making things awkward, understand more about sexual harassment, and find out how to support people who have experienced sexual violence. You can also learn how to become an active bystander in your community. 
Access The Consent Collective. Once you sign up for free membership using your university email address you'll find out about events that will be hosted on campus and access a range of videos with advice to support you.

The Consent Collective will be hosting a series of events on campus. These are free to attend and will be publicised in the student newsletter you receive fortnightly by email and will also be promoted on the University’s social media accounts.

 How you can get involved

The best thing you can do is educate yourself, and tell your friends at uni about The Consent Collective. The more people who see the videos and learn about the subject, the safer Edinburgh Napier will be. If you are a member of a society or a sports club, make sure that this is something that every member knows about.

When The Consent Collective visit the campus, make sure you take the chance to hear from them. They’re true experts in this area and have worked with thousands of other students and can really help.

Share our content online. We all know that social media is the quickest and easiest way to promote information, and you can really help us tell people about this by sharing what we post. We’ll be raising awareness of Zero Tolerance on all of our social media accounts, so please help us make the noise louder.

Get in touch – email if you’d like to find out more about how you can get involved with the campaign. 

There are two ways you can tell us what happened