
All of our students are encouraged to complete our online training programme: Consent Matters – Boundaries, Respect and Positive Intervention.

Written by Brook a sexual health and well-being organisation that is experienced in working with young people and in creating educational resources around sexual consent and sexual assault and Alan Berkowitz, an independent consultant who helps colleges, universities, public health agencies and communities design programmes that address health and social justice issues.

The course covers 4 main topic areas:

Module 1: Thinking about consent

  • Why consent matters
  • How consent works in practice
  • When consent isn't possible.
Module 2: Communication skills and relationships

  • Why talking about sex matters
  • Physical and verbal communication
  • Boundaries and respect.
Module 3: Looking out for others

  • Positive intervention: what it is and how it works
  • Overcoming fears and doubts
  • Tips for dealing with difficult situations.
Module 4: Support

  • Links and resources for anyone affected by issues of sexual assault or violence
Feedback on the course is welcomed – please email any feedback to Mark Wilkinson, Head of Student Wellbeing and Inclusion –

Students can access the course on Moodle by clicking here or by visiting the University Moodle site.

Staff and student leaders:

All of our staff and student leaders are encouraged to complete our online training programme: Responding to a Disclosure of Sexual Violence

“Anyone within in a higher education institution could receive a disclosure of sexual violence.”

This course is designed to support staff to feel confident if they receive a disclosure from a colleague or a student of sexual violence; to understand their responsibilities and safe boundaries and to get involved in promoting positive change at Edinburgh Napier.

The course provides practical, institution-wide training on the first response to a disclosure, exploring legal boundaries, common misperceptions and the needs of survivors.

Produced by Oxford University Press/Epigeum in collaboration with an international range of higher education experts and professional practitioners the course provides high-quality, interactive and comprehensive training on the first response to disclosures.

Completing this course will provide all staff and student leaders with the opportunity to provide a consistent response across Edinburgh Napier University to disclosures of sexual violence or misconduct.

Who is the Course aimed at?

This course is suitable for any staff member who could receive a disclosure from a student - such as personal tutors, academic staff, student services staff, academic support staff, wellbeing teams, counsellors, staff in halls of residence, security teams, and student association staff. It is also relevant for student leaders.

It provides clear and consistent training in line with best practice and institutional policy. 

Feedback on the course is welcomed – please email any feedback to Mark Wilkinson, Head of Student Wellbeing and Inclusion –

Access the course on Moodle by clicking here or by visiting the University Moodle site.

There are two ways you can tell us what happened